Learn from our Co-owners first Teeth Whitening experience
Hi my name is George Bayley I am a co-owner and founder of SMOOCH Dental Spa alongside the wonderful Lisa Meredith. I am not a dentist or medical professional, I just believe that oral health is so important for us all. In fact everyone should have their teeth* cleaned at least twice a year and see their dentist yearly. I have to admit that I had my doubts about getting my teeth whitened. I was not at all bothered about the colour of my teeth or in any way self conscious about them. In my mind I have perfectly good teeth and that was that really. However, then my daughter Hannah had her teeth whitened by Lisa co-owner and founder and clinical director of SMOOCH and I had the first inklings of 'Wow' her smile looks amazing and it appeared to give her a bit of lift! But I just carried on with life, as with all professions the last thing you do is get treated yourself... this is the story and there is a quick video also at the end of the article.
Then along came a Philips ZOOM! Whitening, the world's pre-eminent whitening system, training day for clinicians in Christchurch... they needed a guinea pig... I got volunteered as someone who had never had it done before and everyone (apart from me) thought I would benefit no doubt. I'd like to point out that this was not my idea of a good idea or a fun thing to do, as I have sensitive teeth, which is what lead me to work with Lisa to set up SMOOCH with the GBT gentle Airflow system in the first place, that is a story for another time.
I indicated to Lisa and the Philips Zoom! training team that I was a little concerned about being the Guinea Pig, definitely not a brave Guinea Pig by any means! But I was in good hands Lisa did a full hygiene inspection including x-rays and a full clean of my teeth with the wonderfully gentle GBT Airflow machine a week prior and then provided me with some special products and advice on how to desensitise my teeth in preparation for the whitening process. These included a special toothpaste Clinpro and some Zen CP+ desensitising gel which alleviates discomfort from dentin hypersensitivity by mineralising and occluding the dentin surface and deep inside the dentin tubules. I used these daily for the 4 days prior to Guinea Pig day as I called it. I have to admit that I did also pop a couple of Panadol on the day, as I had heard about these things called 'Zingers' caused by the whitening process, more about them later.
So there we were at the training day and after a couple of hours on the science behind the process - here's link to it - which provided me with complete peace of mind as to the safety and efficacy of the process, it was finally time for the Guinea Pig. Well the trainer, Kate from Titirangi Smiles, thanks Kate, immediately made me completely at ease and as will happen if you come to SMOOCH I was talked through the whole process and able to ask questions.
It started with some lovely vitamin E cream on my lips to protect them and then the insertion of a Philip Zoom retractor, which was actually comfortable unlike most. Then the clinician will set about isolating your teeth by what's called damming your gums with a barrier putty which they cure with an ultra violet light. This leaves your gums protected from the active ingredients in the Whitening product.
The Philips ZOOM! Whitening product is then applied to your teeth and the Philips ZOOM! Whitespeed light is positioned to ensure a great result as the light helps the processes effectiveness (see the science). It felt warm but not unpleasant and I could definitely feel that things were happening. After 15 minutes the whitening product was wiped away and replaced with new product for a further 15 minutes, to be followed by one more round, I did after the second round get a couple of little 'Zingers' in my lower left teeth but they were not unpleasant and Kate just put on some special gel on the area where I indicated I had felt them, before changing the whitening product, and I didn't have anymore during the treatment.
45 minutes later and the last coating of the active ingredient was wiped away, I washed out my mouth and low and behold was blown away with these beautiful whitened teeth, and did that make me Smile or what... haven't stopped since. It's just the confidence that you know your teeth look great and that people react so well to people who smile... don't get me wrong people don't know they are whitened they just react well to a smile that is just that little bit more impactful... a tiny change really but a huge effect.
I was warned there may be some sensitivity post treatment for up to a week, but was provided with some calming gel and carried on using the Clinpro toothpaste for a few extra days. It is now a week post treatment and I can report that I had a couple of zingy sensations about an hour after but really just carried on with life as normal since having coffee, curry and red wine without any detrimental effect - although I do have to admit I did swill my mouth with water...
It should be noted that the Hydrogen Peroxide concentration was 25% in my treatment. Concentrations above 12% can only be used in treatment by Medical Professionals and Philips ZOOM! is only available to Medical Professional. This just one of the significant differences between retail teeth whitening offerings and that carried out by Medical Professionals, the big one for me though was all the advice prior to and post treatment and the peace of mind this gave me that I was in safe hands and using the most well researched system in the world.
You can book into to see our Medical Professionals and read all about our treatments on our Teeth Whitening page... it all starts with a Pre-Whitening Consult and I'd suggest a good clean first up... Click here to go to the Teeth Whitening page.
Click here to view the video
*At SMOOCH we clean dentures too... just $50